The "Finished Product"
So often times in life I get extremely focused on a long term goal and the finished result. It can be a fitness goal, financial goal, spiritual goal, etc... Last summer it was building our house. I wanted that house built and I wanted it built fast. Basement dug. Good. Concrete poured. Great. Framed and roofed. Sweet. Everything was going along splendidly until we hit the dry in stage. Progress slowed. I became frustrated and irritated that nothing seemed to be getting done. My bank account didn't seem to notice that nothing was being done however and we continued to dump loads of cash into the house for materials. I'm glad I took pictures everyday. It allowed me to view progress....and not go crazy. I was suffering from what many Americans suffer from. I-want-it-now-itis. Many people (myself included) occasionally have a problem with ignoring the process that is needed to obtain the product ...