Annual Spending Review (because everyone else is doing it)
If you want to be fast, study sprinters. If you want to be strong, study strong people. If you want to be rich, study PF bloggers? Maybe. The point that I'm trying to make is that I'm unashamedly copying some other PF bloggers out there (namely MMM ) and decided to look back at what I spent in 2014 and on what. It may not be the best representation and I realize there will be some odds and ends that I have to tie up, but 2014 was the first FULL year of using mint and tracking expenses for the old school family. Here we go. HOME: $8,788.00 ....... Per month: $732.33 Out biggest expense was our house next year. We are probably not alone and I believe most Americans spend the most money in this category. We went a little house cray cray last year and slowed down after February. We just have to keep telling ourselves that projects happen over time, not ALL AT ONCE! I do expect the total $ to go up on home this year, but that will prima...