Net Worth Update: September 2017
I've been looking back on my old Net Worth Posts and I've noticed something...why the heck didn't I label them in the title by year??? Oh well. Mistakes will happen. You should read the following disclaimer so as not be confused by how the numbers have changed dramatically over the past year. Fear not my anxious number peepers, it's all still there and accounted for. DISCLAIMER: Hello. This is a monthly net worth report. I am currently using my banks website to track my net worth, along with personal capital. I do not include the value of my house but do include the mortgage as a debt. I do this because it is unlikely we will sell and I prefer liquidity to perceived value. Sit back, grab a beverage and enjoy comparing yourself to my numbers. You'll feel better about yourself, I promise:) Net Worth: - $82,551.83 Difference from December 2015: + $24,098.21 Total Cash Available: $10,415.37 Total Inve...