How Millennials are Changing the Market, DUH!
What is up OSC readers??? This post was originally titled "In between generations." I identify with the genX childhood experiences, but I can also relate to the buying habits of millennials. As a result I often feel stuck in between the two generations and wanted to write about my angst. Then someone beat me to it. In fact a bunch of people beat me to it...but I digress. I do feel as if I grew up as an analog kid but became a digital adult. I was around when dial up happened and then gave way to dsl. I remember brick phones, flip phones, sliders, qwerties, blackberries, flip touch, and then the almighty... The point is that I've been around the consumeristic block a bit. My in-laws and I have a great relationship as well and we love trading stories of the here & now v.s. the old day. I also enjoy talking to my grandparents about consumerism (although my grandparents certainly aren't consumers!) I know that a bunch of ...