Back to School...
...back to school, to prove to dada that I'm no fool. If you don't recognize that movie line then crank it up on IMDB. That's right suckas, it is from the one and only Billy Madison. What gives? Am I headed back to grade school. No, even though my maturity level warrants that I probably should be. What can I say? I just love a good fart joke. I am headed back to college! Photo courtesy Yahoo Images If you have been reading this blog then that isn't news. In fact, right now I sit here on campus, waiting for the next class to start because my other class got canceled baby! My class getting canceled turned out to be a good thing because I was really craving a red bull and cram session (see, I feel collegiate already!). I digress. The real reason for this post is to point out how much better of a college student I am the second time around. The first time I decided to not go to class. OFTEN. I played...